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How to make a button for FMCU

Ath the moment we are in a early adaptor phase of the project. To setup the lab you will need a MCU that can connect to the internet we have had success with the ESP32 from seeed studio. The .ino can can be found here CODE

Using Ardiuno IDE with Seeed


Clone the repo and update code to your needs or copy fla-fmcu.ino and create file called config.h.

Set your labs ID, SSID & Password

Create config.h file with the following lines and edit them accordingly.

// Your lab id
const char id[] = "";

#define WLAN_SSID ""    // Your wifi name
#define WLAN_PASS ""    // Your wifi password


  • your lab idea witch you will find here press the total lab nr. Lab_ID
  • On ESP32 pin is set to GPIO 10 if wanted this can be modified

In theory FMCU should work on any board. Below is a list of boards that have been tested and that need to be tested.

  • [x]EXTRA Perfect with FABxiao try it out!
  • [x] XIAO ESP32C3 works
  • [x] raspberry Pi Pico works code need's to be adapted
  • [ ] Arduino UNO with wifi shield not tested
  • [ ] esp32 didn't work
  • [ ]we have not tried ethernet cable at this point


below you will find a workflow chart to set up the FMCU


Good luck setting up your FMCU and let us know and share photos when your online!
