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Rain Water Harvesting

1. Presentation Poster
  1. system

  2. Roof

  3. Gutter + Rain pipe

  4. Water Tank

  5. Delivery Pipelines

  6. examples

  7. Rainwater harvesting (wikipedia)

  8. possibility in Bhutan

  9. traditional building structure in Bhutan

    1. large roof

    2. space between roof and top of the building, where the water tank can be installed



  10. rain fall potential in Bhutan in monsoon

    screen shot 2023-07-23 at 1.07.59

  11. example

    • Supply
      • monthly precipitation in Paro, May to September ; approximately 300 mm / 30 days -> 0.01 m / day [A]
      • total roof area of student hostels ; 7200 m2 (square meters) [B]
      • harvestable rain amount ; 72 m3 / day -> 72000 litters / day [c] = [A] x [B]
    • Demand
      • required water amount ( for flushing + dining + cooking + shower ) ; 135 litters / day / person [D]
    • Supply [C] / Demand [D] = 533 (person)
  12. testing

  13. rain water collection test at student dormitory on 18th July, 2023

    1. about 1000 ml water was collected in 8 minutes.

    2. visual check ; clean, no color

    3. TDS analysis ; 4.5 (which is the lowest value we measured, showing the purity of the water)




  14. proposals

check the feasibility, and scale the system as step by step basis

  1. Phase 1 – feasibility study at dormitory

    1. check the allowable tank weight on the building
    2. install small (about 1 m3) tank
    3. guide to toilet by simple piping
    4. use as gray (mid quality) water for toilet flushing
  2. Phase 2 – implementation in the campus

  3. Phase 3 – propagation to other ares in Bhutan

Last update: July 26, 2023