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1. Presentation Poster
2. Filtration Game .svg

The Filtering game

Why did we design this educational kit ?

During our challenge, we worked on the quality of water. As a team we quickly came across the fact that we didn’t know much about what makes water safe or unsafe to drink.

As many when we saw the yellowish water, our brain made us think that the water is not sanitary.

After reading the report done by laboratories and after making our own testing using sensor and digital fabrication technologies, we came to the realization that the issue was not about the water but about the general knowledge we have about water.

To change that we wanted to sum up everything we learnt about water and the filtration systems. The idea is to find and visualize a fun way to learn about the water ecosystem and the technical aspect of the filtration system.

To better disseminate our idea here are the rules we wanted to follow :

  • Must be documented it and let it open source

  • Must be easy to replicate using the tools of the fablab

  • Must be made using local, sustainable material

  • Must be modular (we should be able to add more water samples and more filtering system if we want)

This project is a work in progress, done in a very restricted amount of time. We are focused on improving the concept in the future.

Feel free to reach out to collaborate, or share your experience.

Make the game

To prepare the equipment you’ll need some materials and a laser cutter.

The cut files can be found here

Feel free to use any material from cardboard, to wood to acrylic… For this example, we used 3mm cardboard laying around (cardboard is great). Try to keep in mind the sustainability aspect of making …

The files to make consist of :

One mountain water sample

Seven element cards

Seven Filtration system cards

For the filtration system cards, an engraving has to be performed on the back as well (see the details in the make file).

Once you’ve got everything cut you should hand up with layout of the elements from the element cards and engraved elements from the water sample card.

Use glue to bound everything together. This will help picking up the element while playing.

You are now ready to play.

Play the game

Playing this game you’ll learn about the living ecosystem inside water as well as how different filtration systems perform to improve the quality of water.

DISCLAIMER : This game is theoretical, not all the water ecosystems are the same and the filtration systems are never 100% efficient, or 100% selective.

Number of player : One Time per game : 10 minutes

Description of the different parts : - One water sample card

  • Seven Filtration cards

  • Seven Elements cards

Get your water sample

To start the game you need to take your water sample card.

This represents a sample of water taken in the river of the mountains. Now let’s meet the elements that live inside.

Meet your water ecosystem

Get your hands on the element cards.

On each card you’ll find :

  • The name of the element

  • A little icon that represents it

  • A description of the elements

  • Two informations on the bottom

  • Can you see the element with your eyes in the water ?

  • Is it harmful if you ingest the element ?

Take the small icon with you, find the element’s name and read the description of it to know about it. Once you are familiar with the element you can place it on your water sample.

Keep going with all the elements until you complete all your water sample.

You now have your water sample ready and you know more about the elements living in the water. Keep the element card near if you need more information about them later.

Use the filtration systems card to purify your water

Take all the filtering system cards with you. Each one of them describe a filtering system. On the card you’ll see the name of the filter and a short description and representation of filter. You’ll learn how it works and what it’s focused on.

NOTE : A rule to follow is to filter particles from the bigger one to the smaller one. Keeping this mindset, you’ll have to follow an order at the beginning. The first filters always are Grid - Decantation - Gravel and sand. After you are free to create your own filtration system.

Now put a filtration system card in front of your water sample. This represent the water coming to the filter.

Read the content of the filter card and identify the element(s) to remove from your water sample. What’s this is clear for you, you can just pass your water in the filter and remove the element filtrated.

Then you can add another filter card.

And keep filtering your water.

Keep going until your water is safe to drink. You have a doubt about what the filter cures in the water? Look at the back, you may find a clue.

Last update: July 26, 2023